Friday, June 26, 2009

My new pad in Columbia

My new pad in Columbia, originally uploaded by ben.obrien.

Here are a few pics of my new place in SC. I'm calling it the
penthouse. I like it but I don't know what the fireplace is for it's
100degrees everyday!! (I'm told it actually does snow-every couple

I had a very southern experience for lunch today. A nice co-worker
exhibited some southern hospitality and gave me a couple firsts that
are truely southern. She gave me some of her sweet potato pie and
some fried chicken from Bojangles (a fast food chicken place that is
everywhere). Both were delicious, but I think I Covered my fried fat
intake for the week).


Sarah said...

It looks nice. Especially your furniture whoever picked that out has great taste. But I would put something other than a clock over your fireplace. Didn't you buy a large photo or mirror?

O'Brien family said...

Yeah Ben- what about your Venice picture over the fireplace?

Tamara said...

Glad that your new southern friends are treating you right, and Bojangles has the best Fried Chicken and dirty rice. Nice pick!