Friday, July 3, 2009

Presentation Mastery

I have been reading a lot about how to be good at presenting and it has OPENED MY EYES! I'm reading presentation zen by Garr Reynolds right now. It is excellent at explaining key aspects to a good presentation.

The problem with this awareness of what makes good presentations is two fold:

1) Now it is excruciatingly painful to sit through a poor presentation (that category of poor presentations has grown as well).

2) This means I can no longer give poor presentations with the excuse that I am ignorant.

Below is one style of presentation that is AWESOME. Notice the amount of information and the contrast on each slide.

To those that say not all presentations can be is an editorial about technical presentations. The punishment for a poor presentation should be stoning in the eyes of this man.

1 comment:

O'Brien family said...

Wow!! that was amazing. I don't really know what that Canadian from British Columbia, Vancouver named Dick who was over 21 but less than 65 was talking about, but all that visual was incredible. I didn't know that Yahoo bought out Flickr. That is really an effective way to teach.